Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Letting Go

I'm down 27lbs and I am so close to my goal - only 3lbs to go. But as usual, that time of the month interfered, so I'm forced to be patient, focus on my eating habits, and keep up with my exercising all the while ignoring the scale for a few days.

I decided that what I needed was some cheering up in the form of spring cleaning, starting with my closet. The picture is of a pile of pants (all size 18) that no longer fit me...because they're too big! That's right, those clothes are no longer wearable in public, or private, because they are too big. What a good feeling. I'm off to the Goodwill this morning to donate these clothes, but strangely enough, I'm feeling apprehensive. I know, one could easily say, "Shut up, I would love to have that problem." However, letting go of clothing is not always as easy as it seems.

You see, I've been where I am before. I've lost 30lbs before and have gotten to the size I am now; in fact, I still have three pairs of pants from that time. Thanks goodness I saved them, otherwise I wouldn't have anything to wear now. When I look at the pile of clothes, I'm reminded of how I failed to keep off the weight. I begin to wonder if I should save one or two pairs of pants just in case. All of my doubts and past failures swirl around me reminding me that this has been a lifelong struggle.

Thank goodness, I have reminders of what I'm doing differently this time. This time, I've asked for God's help. This time, I'm not doing a severely restricted diet; I'm eating real food in controlled portions. This time, I'm not saving the bigger sized pants like I did last time. So, it's off to the Goodwill I go; letting go of clothing and habits that no longer fit.

What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31

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